Advice from the experts

Our Construction Credentials in brief

  • Brunel arrange Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance for more than 1 in 5 of RIBA Architects
  • Brunel is one of three preferred brokers making up the Association for Consultancy and Engineering’s (ACE) Broker Panel established for the provision of Professional Indemnity Insurance to ACE members.
  • Brunel is recommended broking partner of the Institute of Clerk of Works.

How did we achieve this?

  • Fast, informal, reassuring and informed client service – we believe in creating a dialogue with our clients and have the expertise to explain the issues so that our clients can make educated decisions.
  • Understanding that our client’s time is valuable – we aim to make the insurance process as efficient and painless as possible.
  • By being an independent and specialist PI broker – we use the open market to create bespoke propositions for firms of all sizes, based on a proper understanding of your business, your needs, and your own choices.
  • Client services provided via our own in-house specialist teams – we have our own broking, claims, contract review and risk management teams, who are properly joined up.

This means our clients benefit from full market review, competitive pricing and access to more appropriate wordings for their risk.