Award-winning insurance broker, Brunel Professional Risks has been appointed the recommended insurance broking partner for the Institute of Clerks of Works and Construction Inspectorate of Great Britain (ICWCI).
The ICWCI is a professional body which supports construction quality through inspection.
Sue Cooper, Director, Brunel Professional Risks said: “The ICWCI was initially founded in 1882 and has a deep rooted history spanning three Centuries of British construction. Brunel is an independent broker and works closely with a significant number of construction clients. As our name suggests, we are proud of our country’s construction heritage.
We see our appointment as a beneficial partnership and are looking forward to an excellent working relationship with the ICWCI members”.
Rachel Morris, CEO, ICWCI said “We are very pleased that Brunel Professional Risks is our new insurance broking partner. Brunel has built a reputation as a quality and reputable firm. I am confident that they will meet all of our members’ insurance needs.”
Brunel will provide specialist professional indemnity and commercial insurances services to ICWCI and its members.