Making an insurance claim against a bankrupt company or person has become easier following a revision of the relevant law. The Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 came into force on 1 August 2016. Now third parties can make…read more
‘Look like an idiot’ admission sinks negligence claim
An unexpected witness statement coupled with limited evidence of negligence or loss demonstrated the risk of making a speculative negligence claim. The unsuccessful claimant was hit with punitive costs by the judge who said that they were trying to put…read more
New JCT construction contracts released
The first of the 2016 Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) construction contracts have now been released. The best-selling JCT Minor Works contracts are the first out of the blocks. The new contracts update the 2011 editions and introduce new terms covering…read more
Tell clients how to complain warns Legal Ombudsman
Most law firms are failing in their duty to tell their clients about their right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman new research has found. Only two out of ten people who complained to the Ombudsman were told about the…read more
Insurance Act 2015 and the Duty of Fair Presentation
The 12 August 2016 saw the coming into force of the Insurance Act 2015, which has been described by some commentators as the most significant revision of insurance law in over a century. However, other commentators are less convinced that…read more
£1.2 billion property portfolio over-valuation claim settled
A multi-million over-valuation claim arising from property lending in the run up to the global financial crisis has been settled out of court. Valuers CBRE and Warwick Street have settled with the owners of the £1.2 billion Gemini property portfolio…read more